The Forgotten Truth: Robert Welch Stood Against the Zionist Conspiracy and for Christianity (Part 1)
The John Birch Society's Founder had a Low Opinion of the State of Israel
Dear Reader,
I regard the late Robert Welch, the founder of The John Birch Society, as one of the top heroes in American history. He was ahead of his time and he was highly moral and intelligent. I even chose to work for the organization he created for almost 10 years, in a way, becoming a student of his by studying his educational material.
Although I knew he was a Christian, for years I had wondered where Robert stood on the topic of the Zionist Conspiracy. Thankfully, a letter that he wrote and signed recently came to my attention that clearly states which side he was on.
The letter was sent on April 4th, 1962 from Robert Welch to Verne P. Kaub, the President at the time of the American Council of Christian Laymen.
In the letter, Robert refers to Verne as a good friend but is in disagreement with his opinion on the “Jewish question” as Robert was rightfully not anti-semitic. Verne had been wondering if The John Birch Society was out to wreck the meetings of Gordon Winrod, an American greatly concerned about the Zionist Conspiracy, and Welch replied by stating that he had not been informed of the matter. In regards to whether Robert agreed with Gordon, Robert said:
“I probably do not or would not agree with Gordon Winrod in some of his views, if I knew them at all; but all I know about Winrod from what I have actually seen has been through the pages of AMERICAN MERCURY since his group took it over. And while, there again, there are some things about the magazine with which I would not agree, I certainly would not approve of, nor even countenance, any of our people attacking either Winrod or the magazine. So long as he is fighting the Communists and preaching Christianity, he is on our side; and while we might find him going off on tangents; or too far off on tangents, with which we did no agree, it is certainly no business of ours to plunge in and try to tell him what to think or how to run his affairs.”
In the quote above, Robert makes it very clear to Verne that as long as one is fighting the Communists and preaching Christianity — they are on the same side. Continuing in the letter, Roberts writes to Verne regarding the “Jewish question” which Verne is very concerned about:
For, in the first place, Verne, I am probably as anti- Zionist as you are. And while I do not go out of my way to be arguing or shouting the matter, because I think there are so many more immediate and important battles to be fought, I never avoid the question when it comes up. In fact, I believe you will find right in the Blue Book that among the things on which I disagreed most heartily with Bob Taft was his support of aid to Israel by our government.
In the above quote, Robert very clearly states that he is anti-Zionist to the same degree that Verne is and then he says that he never avoids the question. Later on in the letter, Robert comes to the defense of the ordinary Jewish citizen:
I probably do disagree with you somewhat in (y)our attitude towards the Jews in general. For I feel that the ordinary Jewish citizen in America has been under more pressure, and more bamboozled, to go along with the powerful Zionist minority, than have the Methodists, for instance, by the forces headed by Bishop Oxnam and his ilk; and that, considering the greater pressures, not too much larger a percentage of the Jews have followed this ignominious road than have the percentage of Methodists who swallow the teachings of Bishop Oxnam and are guided by him. But with regard to Zionism you and I do not differ at all, except possibly in our views as to the importance of the Zionist part of the total conspiracy at the present time.
Notice how Robert finished the paragraph with the words “present time.” Keep in mind that Robert wrote this letter during his prime, long before he suffered a stroke and was slowed down by the issues that come with old age. At the time, if the conspiratorial forces would have changed in America to where it was visible to him that the Zionist Conspiracy was leading the charge, I have no doubt in my mind that he would have changed course.
Robert would finish the matter in the letter by going on to say:
I should be glad to exchange views with you, or at least give you mine, as to what has really taken place since around 1905, when I think the Zionist conspiracy -- and from then on for perhaps two decades — was practically the father of the International Communist Conspiracy.
Being as savvy and as intelligent as he was, Robert knew at that time that the fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Golda Meir, as well as the primary national founder of the state of Israel, David Ben-Gurion (who had been the first Prime Minister) were both not to be trusted:
Today I personally think that the relationship is almost exactly reversed, and that the child has now so far outgrown the parent in size and strength and importance that the parent is in a relatively minor position. But this does not make Golda Meir or Ben-Gurion or any of their extremist followers in this country any less culpable.
Robert would then go on in many John Birch Society bulletins to warn against the British-Israel Line that was neutralizing so many Christians in America. By calling it the British-Israel Line, he was doing his best to keep members focused on the Communist Conspiracy as he didn’t believe the Zionist Conspiracy was the one to focus on at that time.
During his last years leading The John Birch Society, he made it a priority to get members to learn from Major Coordinator Delmar Dennis who later on, out of the love in his heart, endorsed the book The Rapture Cult by JBS Volunteer Section Leader Robert Pierce for the purpose of informing members of the Society correctly about the Zionist Conspiracy.
Robert Welch never endorsed the book The Rapture Cult but the book came out when he was nearly 80 years old. Robert may not have had the desire to pivot the Society on the issue as he had suffered a stroke and was not quite the person he had been in his 60’s.
That being said, it’s now obvious to some of America’s top leaders that the Zionist Conspiracy is now more powerful in America than the Communist Conspiracy. It is of this author’s opinion that the Zionist Conspiracy started becoming much more powerful than the Communist Conspiracy sometime in the 1980’s and 1990’ which caused Pat Buchanan to say during the time of the Gulf War:
“There are only two groups that are beating the drums...for war in the Middle East—the Israeli Defense Ministry and its amen corner in the United States.”
The only writer that I’m aware of that has come close to understanding this shift other than Pat Buchanan, is the writer James Perloff. Author James Perloff hits the nail on the head and captures some of the facts from the book The Rapture Cult with his blog post titled, The War on Christianity Part II: The Abomination and Blasphemy of Christian Zionism. He also has a very well written chapter about Zionism in his book, Thirteen Pieces of Jigsaw: Solving Political, Cultural and Spiritual Riddles, Past and Present. His book Truth Is A Lonely Warrior: Unmasking the Forces Behind Global Destruction does a deep dive into the facts on how the state of Israel played role in the 9/11 attacks.
If you think that James must be crazy to think that Israel had something to do with 9/11, now Candace Owens is focused on the same angle as well. Candace recently came to some of the same conclusions as James in regards to Israel’s connection to 9/11.
Although Pat Buchanan may have been the first to publicly recognize the Zionist control over Congress, Congressman Thomas Massie’s latest interview with Tucker Carlson seems to be the best explanation on how the Zionist Conspiracy is now in control of Congress.
In the interview, Congressman Massie exposes AIPAC for providing every Congressman but him with an “AIPAC babysitter”. He also goes on to expose the fact that AIPAC operates illegally as it should be operating as a foreign lobbyist organization instead of a domestic lobbyist organization.
Candace Owens even recently created a video that asks the questions, “Why does Nikki Haley love Israel more than the US?". You are probably aware that Nikki Haley was once the Governor of South Carolina and was nominated by President Donald Trump to be America’s United Nations Ambassador. After failing to defeat President Trump in this year’s Republican Primary for President she is now autographing bombs for the state of Israel which looks like a political move to be nominated as President Trump’s Vice President. The bombs she’s autographed are being dropped on what moral and intelligent people now understand to be a genocide in Gaza.
So how did the Zionist Conspiracy get such a strong foothold in America to where one of our Republican presidential candidates is now, in a demonic way, putting her autograph on bombs that are being dropped on innocent children?
The evidence is showing that the turning point for the Zionist Conspiracy came at the time President Kennedy was murdered. Before the end of his life, as Candace Owens notes in one of her newest videos, President Kennedy refused to allow our federal government to orchestrate a false flag event.
An article found on the LA Progressive, with the title From Dallas to Gaza: How JFK’s Assassination Was Good for Zionist Israel, the author highlights these four key points that describe why Kennedy’s death was good for Zionist Israel.
Kennedy was not biased in favor of Israel
Kennedy wanted the Zionist lobby to follow the rules
Kennedy supported Palestinian Rights
Kennedy tried to support the Israeli nuclear weapons program
Also in the article, the author provides a timeline that shows that just six months before President Kennedy was murdered, the Israeli government increased pressure on the White House.
After President Kennedy was murdered, President Johnson took over and the author then goes on to state that President Johnson was the first President to be “completely pro-Israel and anti-Arab.”
After Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) became president, US mideast policy changed significantly. From the start, LBJ told an Israeli diplomat, “You have lost a very great friend. But you have found a better one.” The Israeli publication Haaretz says, “Historians generally regard Johnson as the president most uniformly friendly to Israel.” The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs writes “Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align U.S. Policy with Israel’s Policies” and “Up to Johnson’s presidency, no administration had been as completely pro-Israel and anti-Arab as his.”
So how did the Zionist Conspiracy that Robert Welch was against get such a strong foothold in America? To put it simply, President Kennedy was killed as he was getting in their way. It’s rather telling to note that the person who was Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA monitor was Jewish spy Reubon Efron. We are finding out more and more that there could not have been a lone gun man and there is even hints that suggest Jack Ruby, Oswald’s assassin, was part of the Zionist Conspiracy.
According to the Warren Commission Report, Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald due to his Jewish Beliefs. Were they his Jewish beliefs or was he just part of the Zionist Conspiracy where he knew he had to kill a possible whistleblower that could have told the truth in the courtroom about the plot to kill Kennedy?
Candace Owens recently did a show where she dives into this topic with Briahna Joy Gray. The interview is titled, Another Person Fired For Criticizing Israel?!
A lot more can be discussed regarding the Zionist Conspiracy and at this time it looks like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and Congressman Thomas Massie are the best teachers of this topic. They don’t call it a Zionist Conspiracy but at least they are exposing it.
Call it whatever you want to call it, Robert Welch, the founder of The John Birch Society called it correctly. The letter he wrote to Verne Kaube is an outstanding expose of Robert’s thought processes when it came to explaining the Communist Conspiracy and the Zionist Conspiracy. It’s time for all Americanist organizations to become aware of the Zionist Conspiracy and to fight it in the same way that Robert Welch would fight it if he were alive today!
Part 2 of this article will be coming soon. This author plans to start many new Americanist organizations for the purpose of fighting all of the conspiracies against America, including the Zionist Conspiracy.
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I will soon be making an announcement about an Americanist organization that I will be leading. Stay tuned!
An amazing article Evan. It is important that Mr Welch's true views be available for all to read. Thank you for sharing this vital information.